You may want to…
Try out a few counsellors before making your decision – it is important that your counselling feels comfortable and right for you.
You could try…
Visiting the NCPS (National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society) where you will find lots of clear information that describe counselling, and will answer many frequently asked questions. You will find information about different kinds of counselling practices, which may help you to become more informed and so assist you in your journey towards counselling.
What about…
Checking out the out the accredited register to ensure that you will be with a safe, competent and ethical counsellor. You will find me there – simply type my name in the search box!
If you need…
Other support whilst you search for a counsellor – here are some possibilities:
The Samaritans 116 123 (free call) and
Women’s Aid
Notts LGBT+ Network